The trip reports are back!
For years the LUAK had the lovely tradition of writing trip reports of epic ascents, party's, presentations... It is time to reignite that ritual!
To give you all some inspiration we retrieved the trip reports from the old website, including pictures, dating back to 1999! Click on stories in the navigation menu. Enjoy yourself and get lost in the tales from old LUAK times. You'll find an interview on Studio Brussels, a presentation with Kurt Albert, a day in Freyr with Dave MacCleod, countless Alpine ascents, trips to Thailand, Kenya and lots more...
From now on everybody who has a website account can read the reports, but only the active LUAK members can join the legacy and write their own history!
edit: and Bart kicks it off with a lovely article about our Freyr Karma day. Next one's here, on Saturday we went to the crux boulder comp. Keep an eye out on the stories page... Also the LUAKers that took El Chorro to sendsville promised a report ;)