06/12/2018 James Pearson in Leuven
Submitted by HendrikVdb on Thu, 09/08/2018 - 13:46
SAVE THE DATE! LUAK and klimclub Hungaria organise a lecture with the one and only James Pearson the 6th of December!!
James Pearson. Known for his bold trad ascents, hard sport climbs and one of the first people to "flash" a V13 (8B). Growing up in the Peak District (UK) James quickly made a name for himself, now he is travelling and climbing all over the world together with Caroline Ciavaldini. In short, he's an allround crusher!
More info can be found on their site: http://onceuponaclimb.co.uk/ and Once Upon A Climb
TICKETS not yet available!
Presale @Kariboe Leuven and @LUAK clubhouse: €5
Doors: €6
Location: Celestijnenlaan 200L 00.07, 3001 Heverlee
For those with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/452277301863786/